Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Street Legal Golf Cart

I am doing my blog on a street legal golf cart I am going to talk about how to build a golf cart. First you get the piece and then you get to work it is not that hard you just got to know what you are doing it isn’t like rocket science or is. You tell me if it is like rocket science I beat you are going to be wrong and I will be right. I like driving street legal golf cart because you get to drive them on the roads and when you ride them on the roads you don’t get in trouble you don’t get pulled over or get caught. Second you get the engine and then you get the steering wheel and then you put the top on put the engine in and last you put the windshield and the tires on and don’t forget the blinkers on and the tail lights. Last you got to go buy a tag and a horn on your golf cart and then it will be a street legal golf cart. Know I just told you how to make a street legal golf cart. I need to go buy a street legal golf cart so I can drive it on the road.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a cool idea! I am really interested to read about the things you are learning.
